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2 mm.  after reh. 2-1 mm.  after reh. 3
Andante [Suggested: eighth note=96-100]

Leclerc IV

[The opening dynamic level in this excerpt is piano.]

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3 mm.  after reh. 3-2 mm.  before reh. 4
Andante [Suggested: eighth note=96-100]

Leclerc IV

[The opening dynamic level in this excerpt is mezzo piano.]

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reh. 5-2 mm.  before reh. 6
Andante [Suggested: eighth note=96-100]

Leclerc IV

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reh. 6-2 mm.  before end
Andante [Suggested: eighth note=96-100]

Leclerc IV

[The opening dynamic level in this excerpt is mezzo forte.]

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